Hospital Waste Management

Our Vision

Our Mission At Hospital Waste Management

We at Biomedical waste handling and management services are using more specialized techniques for proper segregation of medical waste there by insuring campuses cleanliness, safety of employees and reducing compliance risks for the businesses that generates medical waste, for health care facilities, Hospitals, Clinics, Dental clinics, Nursing homes and many other medical related businesses include

  • BMW Containers – BMW H&M Services. Will provide the foot operated Biomedical Waste Container with M.S or S.S frame for safe segregation of Biomedical waste at Hospital level.
  • Segregation cum Storage Trolley - BMW H&M Services will provide the 450 Ltr Segregation cum Storage Trolley with movable wheel for safe segregation of Biomedical waste at hospital level (Rule 4B As specified in Schedule I)
  • Sharp Containers - (If required) BMW H&M Services will provide the sharp containers for the management of sharp waste
  • Color Garbage Begs – Specific BMW colored garbage bags will be provide (BMW H&M Services)
  • Signage – Signage with displaying information of safe segregation method regarding BMW will provide by the BMW H&M Services.
  • Hypochlorite Containers – (If required) BMW H&M Services will provide the hypochlorite Container’s for the disinfection of sharps. (Rule 4C)
  • Hypochlorite Solution – Hypochlorite for the disinfection of BMW will be provided by (BMW H&M Services)
  • Biohazard Markers – Biohazard stickers will provide by the BMW H&M Services.
  • Training – Free Training will be provided once in a month (as per requirement of HCF) to all Hospital staff (Nursing, Pathology Technician, Housekeeping, GDA) as per Pollution Board’s guideline. (Rule 4 G)
  • Consultation – Biomedical waste Handling & Management services will resolve all issues with Uttarakhand Environment Protection & Pollution Control Board, Central Pollution Control Board etc.
  • Record Maintenance – All records regarding Biomedical Waste i.e. Segregation register, Transportation register, Monthly report, Annual report will be maintained by BMW H&M Services (Rule 4N, 4S)
  • Bar Coding - Bar code system for bags or containers containing biomedical waste to be sent out of the premises or place for any purpose (Rule 4I)
  • Digital Platform - Digital record keeping ( Rule 4P) (Ref: UEPPCB/HO/Gen-33(II)2018)
  • A checklist based on the CPCB Guidelines March 2016 (latest guidelines) would be maintained by the Consultant Biomedical Manager on site and shall be deposited at the record room for 5yrs